flash components

Here are some free components for you to use in your flash projects...

all components (c) David Wilhelm under GNU Public license (www.gnu.org)
(free to modify, use and distribute, not patentable
Demos open in a new window.
Click on the download links to download .zip files containing the .fla and other files


This component causes the users mouse position to change the alpha value (transparency) of any number of movie clips on the stage. Instructions are on the component and it is commented.

view demo  

download component (version: FlashMX )


This component allows you to have text from a textfile or
variable be typed onto the screen letter by letter.

The component has two parameters:
1) textToType : set this to the text you want to appear
2) textfile : set this to the path to a textfile containing text you want to appear

* the text in the textfile must begin with 'scrolltext=' and must not contain '%26'
* call the internal function 'loadText(textfile)' to load a new text file
* edit the textfield inside the component to change its size or
font, color, etc.
* you can use some flash-supported HTML tags in the textfield,
eg. 'BR' to break a line and 'A' to link
* change framespeed of movie to vary speed

view demo

download component (version: Flash MX '04)